

「読み物1・2」 Vocabulary List(Excel)

「文型・表現ノート」 example sentences

These example sentences provided as text and audio recordings. Make use of them as needed to effectively serve your classroom purposes.

QUARTET 1 (Lessons 1–6) 「文型・表現ノート」 example sentences (PowerPoint)

QUARTET 2 (Lessons 7–12) 「文型・表現ノート」 example sentences (PowerPoint)

Related videos

QUARTET 1: Lesson 5 How to cook Nikujaga


Writing worksheets

These are for jotting down outlines in preparation for the compositions written in the Writing section.

QUARTET 1 (Lessons 1–6) outline sheets for the compositions (PDF)

QUARTET 2 (Lessons 7–12) outline sheets for the compositions (PDF)

Related videos

QUARTET 1: Lesson 5 How to cook Okonomiyaki


Speaking worksheets

These are used to go back over what you said in the Speaking section.

QUARTET 1 (Lessons 1–6) Speaking checkpoints (PDF)

QUARTET 2 (Lessons 7–12) Speaking checkpoints (PDF)


QUARTET 2 Note taking activity materials

These are materials for developing listening comprehension activities, such as practicing compiling lecture notes and learning how to review the contents of lecture notes.

Explanation video Part 1

Explanation video Part 2

Note taking activity (PowerPoint)

Note taking worksheet (PDF)

Related materials

Audio Material

These files contain audio recordings of the following sections. The recorded material is denoted with a headphone icon in the book.

読む Text of 「読み物1」「読み物2」, and first example sentence of each item in「文型・表現ノート」
話す Model dialogues in 話す「会話1」「会話2」
聞く 聴解1 and 2
別冊 覚える単語と例文

QUARTET 1 About 150min. (MP3)

QUARTET 2 About 180min. (MP3)

Downloading to smartphone or tablet:
Install The Japan Times Publishing’s “OTO Navi - Sound Navigator” app in your device, and use it to download and play the audio files.


Grammatical pattern and expression index (Excel)
This index lists all grammatical patterns and expressions studied in QUARTET 1 and 2.

Vocabulary index (Excel)
This index lists all vocabulary terms studied in QUARTET 1 and 2.

Kanji index (Excel)
This index lists all kanji studied in QUARTET 1 and 2.


This lists corrections and revisions made to the original edition of QUARTET 1 and 2.

QUARTET 1 and 2 Errata

Related Links

Below are links to other websites offering information related to the QUARTET lesson themes.